WOHOOO IT’S OFFICIALLY SUMMER. Wait, where’d everyone go? Oh yeah, that’s right, everyone leaves Denton for the Summer. Well great, because that means more events for us to attend. Don't be shy with your #WDDI's because if you take pics that pass muster, you might just become #WDDI famous by being featured in our insanely popular post on Monday, What We Did. GET TO IT, DENTON.
Read MoreTHE DEN10: APRIL 19th
Whoa. People. Slow down, y’all. Tap those brakes. No need to have a public meltdown because there are so many things happening with Denton life. We get it, this town is awesome. But at a certain point, we have to resign ourselves to Taoist level intensities because admit it, we can’t do every single thing in our top ten list.
Read MoreTHE DEN10: APRIL 5th
Some people like Vegas. While we totally get that, we also recognize that the unabashed display of abject consumerism isn’t everyone’s jam. The Den10 however, has something for everyone. So load on up, get your mudbug-eating-face on and tear it up because let’s be hones, this is what you live for.
Read MoreTHE DEN10: MARCH 29th
Spring has sprung which means it’s time for festivals, the community market and tornados. Take pictures of all three and hashtag them #WDDI for a chance to win a high-five. We are pretty excited about this season so hop on board, hang on tight and get ready to drink from the firehose.
Read MoreTHE DEN10: MARCH 15th
You thought Spring Break would be warm because it was in the 80’s in December? Yeah, that’s not how it works here in Texas. Here’s to hoping everyone left town for warmer climates this week and if you didn’t, let this be a lesson to you. And yes, we secretly love the times when the entire town up and leaves so we get the run of the place. It’s these times that make Murder-Kroger almost bearable at 6:30 AM.
Read MoreDEN10: MARCH 1, 2017
The weather is warming up, and the town is sure to be a bustling as we enter March. Enjoy the many First Friday events around town, grab a beer while you peruse the shops around downtown, and enjoy the general feeling of goodness that comes with the first rays of spring.
Having spent almost a decade in Louisiana, my heart has grown three sizes bigger as the selections for good Cajun or Creole cuisine in Denton has exploded in recent years. Sure, Denton is still getting used to the idea of a proper Mardi Gras celebration (that Mardi Gras On Walnut idea needs to get resurrected BTW), but turns out there’s plenty to do and see locally this weekend if’n you wanna Laissez les bons temps rouler! Here’s your 2017 Guide to Denton Mardi Gras.
Time for our weekly roundup of the top ten events you need to check out this weekend. It's hard to believe it's almost March. There is literally a little bit of everything for everyone this week so get out there and do what you do best and while your doing that, go ahead and throw a pound sign before the letters "WDDI" and you might just make our Monday wrap up post, What We Did.
Questions comments or edutainment ideas can be sent to glen@wedentondoit.com.
Read MoreDEN10: FEBRUARY 17, 2017
The weather is warming up, the chocolate boxes are half off and young hearts are mending post Valentines Day. Let's get busy this weekend grooving to local tunes, running with friends and enjoying all the greatness that is Denton. This weekend has updates on goings on, concerts full of local talent and artists in town to talk about gallery openings.
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