Glen is in California for "work" and is apparently "too busy having fun" to care about the rest of us back here in Denton and the events that we should be checking out. Did you know that Glen has a bidet in his home? I wonder if he misses it while he's away on the west coast. Anyway, we've got plenty of events for ya this week. Ten of 'em, in fact. There are a few art-y events, some live music, and plenty of opportunities for you to be well-prepared for Valentine's Day next Tuesday. Heck, you can even stop by Backyard on Bell for some pre-Valentine's slow dancing this weekend.
Read on to find out our ten favorite events happening in Denton, TX over the next seven days.
Got a hot tip on an event or wanna know what the weather's like right now in California? Send an email to Glen Farris at
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Here we go again. More events and best of all, we’ve got some nice balmy weather and what is shaping up to be a beautiful and fun filled First Friday. Just flexing our alliteration skills and we want to see your photography skills so blow our minds and hashtag your photos #WDDI.
Questions, comments, yadda, or yadda can be directed towards the cave parable that is
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What a difference a week makes. Take some deep breaths and manage your self-care. Get off social media and put your emotional energy into things that matter, because you know what? There is a whole world out there that's going to happen with or without you and the future of our city rests in the hands of those who will build it. Take pics and throw a #WDDI on the good ones and we might just feature you in our Monday's post, What We Did.
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We've turned a corner, y'all. Bust out your copy of Neitzchie's Gay Science and read up on all the fun things that will be happening in the world in the near future. If that's a bit heavy for you, then keep tuning in to WDDI for the latest and greatest on things that will be happening in your own backyard in the near future. Hashtag your all your cool photos and show us what your reading / doing to prepare for the brave new world we are entering.
Questions comments and what-not may be directed towards
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Is this week just a hot mess or what? There’s a bunch of stuff you can get out there and take part in if you’re feeling like you’d like to take a more positive role in the community rather than watching dumpster fires in the comments sections of the social medias. Who’s got time for that anyway at this point with all these awesome, actual things with actual people involved. Here it is, your top ten things to get into courtesy the fine folks at #WDDI. Go get ‘em.
Tips comments and rando emails can be sent to
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Merry Christmas Holidays! Hope everyone is avoiding the stomach bug! 2016 has been one heck-of-a year and we find that when the things of life get you down, the best way out of the funk is to get out there and volunteer and give back to the community. To be thankful for whatcha got should be a year-round thing.
Comments and tips on beating the plague can be sent to
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It's kind of nice to get an actual winter this year. Time to bundle up and get out there and catch the Holiday spirit while trying not to catch the flu.
The semester is wrapping up and the coffee shops are filled with students about to “flip out” over finals. Start thinking about those New Year's resolutions now, y'all. We are not short on opportunities to get involved in the community to make it a better place and we can’t think of a better city on earth to serve. Aside from that, there's plenty going on this week. Check out the ten events in the post below and start planning the next seven days of your life right now.
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Y’all, it’s pretty much the most important day of the year and we can’t really think of anything past stuffing ourselves with all the wassail we can handle and watching our beloved Christmas Tree get lit as well. There will be the ultimate tagging opportunity at the lighting, so be there and tag your faces off.
Questions, comments, additions, and subtractions can be sent to
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Thank goodness it’s Thanksgiving. We all need a break. Anytime we head home for a holiday, we're always reminded of the blog post Councilman Kevin Roden posted in 2013 dubbed Banning Politics from the Thanksgiving Table. How did we get to this place where a discussion of ideas on the direction of our country and community could be so poisonous? For a lot of us who hear "we're not going to discuss politics," our family isn't necessarily in our same bubble. To not spend that time in civil discourse with folks of differing viewpoints over good food and drink would be a shame. Turkey sucks, though. Hashtag your good photos #WDDI and tell us what your thankful for.
Questions, comments, and disappointment can be directed at
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